





bulletAttendance, Discussion and Contribution (ADC): Attendance is very important to learn the topics in a timely manner. It will be forced by taking attendance.
bulletQuestion: Why is attendance taken?  Answer: It is taken for ...
  1. YOU - You can learn the topics in class in a shot time in a timely manner. If you ask questions, and make some contributions to the course, you improve your some personal skills, like public speaking and self confidence, and as a consequence you feel good about yourself. You don't feel guilty and worry for not being in class. You are noticed by your instructor and get his reference later, ....
    As a result of all these, if you feel good about yourself (and others), you produce good results.
  2. People who cares about you, and pays your tuition
  3. Your friends - The number of students and their contributions affect the quality of the lectures
  4. Your instructor - Attendance may affect the morale of the instructor and the quality of the lecture 
  5. YÖK (The Council of Higher Education of the Republic of Turkey), University, Faculty, Department
bulletMy Algorithm for Explaining Attendance Policy and Solving Attendance Problems
The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly
(İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin)  v 0.2

The GOOD GUY Algorithm:
if your course attendance > %70
, and if your final cumulative grade is near the boundary of a letter grade
{      You may get a higher letter grade; // This depends on how near the grade is
        if you have asked some questions and made some small contributions to the course,
             you generally get a higher letter grade;

The BAD GUY Algorithm:
if your attendance < %70
and if you could not get good grades,
      you cannot take the final exam and you get NA

if your attendance < %70 (even your attendance may be 0 %) and

if you get good grades in midterms, homework assignments, and labs
{         that's very good, congratulations, you have learned what this course teaches or
           you already know the course topics, you can get the final exam;
                (After the final exam) if your final cumulative grade is near the boundary of a letter grade,
                      I do nothing Good or Bad, you get what your cumulative grade deserves;  
The UGLY GUY Algorithm:
if you have spoiled the classroom atmosphere a couple of times during the semester by some misbehaviors
{    if your behaviors can not be tolerated, an official action is taken; 
      if your final cumulative grade is near the boundary of a letter grade 
I do nothing Good or Bad, you get what your cumulative grade deserves;  

  Academic Integrity

bulletWe will be very careful in grading the projects, homeworks, exams so that everybody gets the grade that he/she deserves. Copying will not be tolerated and will be checked and punished rigorously.

The Fatih University has a very strict policy on academic dishonesty. All work on homeworks and examinations must be strictly individual.  Violations of this policy will result in an F grade for the class and may result in suspension/expulsion from the university.

You must do all of the homework assignments for grading individually (and the exams, of course). In preparing the solutions for assignments, you may consult with other students, the teaching assistants and myself regarding the general method of solutions. However, the final submission handed in for grading must be your own work. Copying the solutions of others is expressly forbidden. Allowing others to copy your solutions is expressly forbidden. Penalties for violation of this will range from a grade of zero on the assignment, a reduced grade for the semester, to a grade of F for the course, and a letter to the Office of the Dean.

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This site was last updated 01/28/08